11 février 2011


Relationships cannot and should not be stable. What is stable goes stale and eventually dies. In the case of relationships, there are two possible ends: breakup or kids.
Human beings are not "finite" creatures; they are ever-evolving, ever-changing living organisms. Why on Earth would you believe that a stable relationship is possible? And speaking of which, the world we perceive as mostly made of objects, inert things, that world does not exist. Everything around us is changing. From rocks losing particles to erosion, to plants growing and dying, buildings fighting the pressure of gravity, to animals and humans: everything is in a state of flux. If you're above 20, there's a decent chance around 95% of your body's cells did not exist when you were born. The initial cells all died and got replaced many times over. Yet you can recognize yourself in the mirror, and only when you look at old pictures do you feel the passage of time and the evolution of your body.

We live in the illusion that the world is stable, when it is only movement. Energy is transformed every second of every hour. The heat generated by your body when you walk is dispersed in the air, which moves air masses, which in turn creates wind that will blow on water, creating waves which end up delivering their energy on beaches in the form of sound and movement. And that's not the beginning nor the end of it : nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, all is transformed, constantly.
Greenthusiasts believe we should protect the earth, stop the catastrophe we're creating through human activities. Yet from an evolutionnary standpoint, there is no such thing as "bad change". Evolution happens, nothing stays the same forever. Ecosystems have to be destroyed (temporarily) so they can be rebuilt. For one thing, we would not be here if it weren't for 4 mass extinctions before our time. So wanting to save the siberian tigers might seem like a noble idea, and it might give your guilty conscience a break, but from a geological timeline, it makes no sense and no difference to the grand scheme of things.

So how can we have relationships in this world? By embracing the fleeting nature of life. We need to accept that the person we sit or lie down next to is not going to be the same tomorrow, and that it is not something to be scared about. The only way a partnership can develop between two people, of friendship or love, is if both accept that the relationship is never going to be stable, and it will not find a point of perfect balance. All that can happen doing that is forced and will not stand the test of time. Accept that you are different individuals, with different needs, which will change over time. Stop trying to make everything perfect - nature hates perfection and so should you. Be open-minded, find somebody with an independent will that does not want to submit to your world view. Do things together, but do things apart. Do not see it as a threat. Let the person you claim to love be themselves, and be without you if it's what it takes. Love is not possession, as a famous pop star sang. It is a temporary bubble of common ground which you can extend if you happen to grow naturally in the same direction, or in compatible directions. It reveals a part of us we wouldn't access otherwise, which is a good thing, but it is not the ultimate goal, because there is no such thing. You are here, period. Stop asking why, and start thinking "how". Make your life pleasurable and meaningful to you. There is no recipe, no religion, no guru that can give you meaning. Just be.